We Want You!

The Friends of the Library need volunteers for various committees so we can continue our support of the library. Perhaps you have a particular skill or experience that you’d like to bring to our organization? The following committees are looking for additional volunteers:

Fundraising/Events – The committee will meet at least quarterly to plan events such as our annual meeting, book fair, holiday party, trips and other potential events/ fundraising.

Membership Committee – The committee will meet monthly to track and report on membership statistics – new members, lost members, distribution of membership across categories. Develop and organize a membership drive and should be present at library and community events that might generate growth of the organization. The committee will work with Public Relations to keep the Friends Web and Facebook sites current.

Public Relations Committee – The committee will meet every other month and several members must be familiar with social media/other web-based opportunities including managing the web site and Facebook. Members should participate in events that may increase membership, publicize the Friends Book Shop and develop a multi media approach to increase membership.

If you’re interested in any of these positions, contact board President Jessica Niles at Friends12866@yahoo.com.